"Je laisse aux autres les demains,
moi je prends que les maintenant."

Gabriel Saldívar

Brand Designer


Gabriel Saldívar is a brand specialist,  graphic designer, web designer and photographer based on Mexico City. He was born on august 29th, 1989.

Since 2010, Gabriel Saldívar has developed more than a hundred brands, several websites and been involved on many design projects for small & medium size enterprises across different sectors such as construction, real-state, nightlife, finance, art, health-care, engineering, fashion, advertising, entertainment, and others.

Gabriel Saldívar is highly meticulous and detail-oriented with all of his projects and he love to strive to be both irreverent and innovative. Take a look to his portfolio below by clicking on any of the selected best projects.



"On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux".
Antoine de Saint-Exupery.